People don’t change because they see the light, they change because they feel the heat.
Leadership is relationship. Build relationship by building EQ.
Change a habit by changing 1 word

You don’t need to #DeleteFacebook

3 steps to change what info Facebook or Google's third-party apps have access to

Cambridge Analytica.  They’re not the only third-party app that’s siphoning yours and your friend’s personal, private data.  I’ve seen this coming and this won’t be the last time.  I love using Facebook.  But my Spidey sense says that at Facebook, profits may be prioritized over security and privacy.  Some are calling to #DeleteFacebook.  Even if […]

A productivity tool to help you be 45% more efficient

My favorite to-do, task and project management tool

Do you remember something you forgot to do as soon as you lay down? Or maybe you remember the next day when you had to tell someone you forgot.  And you’re like, Oh Crap! “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them (source: David Allen).”  Human brains weren’t designed to remember short-term things. There’s […]

Are you having an affair… with your work?

Challenge your beliefs to change your actions

You’ve tried to break off the relationship but just keep going back.  Each time you think it’s over, something happens.  It calls or emails you, and before you know it, you’re right back where you started. Your friends tell you that you just need more self-control or willpower.  You disagree because you’ve tried that. You’re […]

What are the significant differences between being a manager and a leader?

Manager vs. leader

Do you know what’s the significant difference between a manager and a leader?  Do you find that people at work, including HR, use those words interchangeably?  Me too!  I had no clue there was a difference until I got my Masters in Management & Leadership at Pepperdine.  I thought they added the two words because… […]

5 ways to increase self-awareness, self-control, empathy & relationships

Who’s the most emotionally strongest person you know?  I think of parents I know that’s marriage has survived their child’s death with grace, wisdom and courage.  I think of someone I met born with a mind-blowing disability who is crushing life with meaning and purpose.  I think of a neighbor who waited a decade for […]

24 ways to increase your sleep, fitness & nutrition

Most people will work an extra 30 minutes more vs. using that 30 minutes on sleep, exercise or prepping healthy meals.  Raise your hand if that’s you.  <raising my hand, yep even me> Why?  Choosing to work feels, oh so much more productive.  And, we don’t feel guilty sharing (well actually bragging) that we pulled […]