A confession + 4 best ways to break habits

I have a confession. I’m addicted to the news. I used to watch 15 min a night of comedy news, which was a healthy dose for me. But now… I check Google News all day, like a crack addict.  Time to break this habit like any other addiction with these 4 steps:

1. Understand triggers (cues)

Wake up in the morning (what did I just do?) and check the news on my iPhone while I drink a cup of coffee downstairs (what time is it and where am I?). I’m half awake and anticipating the day (what emotion am I feeling?). Julio’s walking the kids to school so I’m alone (who else is around?).

2. Create an If-Then plan

When I drink coffee (the strongest cue), I will read a new page of my IT book or watch a TED talk (routine) because it makes me feel like I’m informed (reward).

3. Go slow and make tiny changes

I’ll start with the morning routine, change my physical environment by having morning coffee in the backyard.  And for my digital environment, I’ll get rid of that “saved news page” on my browser startup. It was so easy to sneak a peek if on an always open tab.

4. Mirror mirror on the wall, coach me

OK, this one is gonna be weird to do but sounds like a winner. Record a short (<1 min) video selfie speech to myself for the next 30 days. Remind myself of my commitment, why I want to change and that I care about my emotional & mental state.  Then immediately watch it.

Watching it back is going to be hardest part but where the gold is!

Question: Any other advice to break a habit? You can leave a comment below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.