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If you’re like most of my readers, you’re an overachiever, that’s eager to learn and implement new ideas.  But sometimes your high-achiever strength can become a weakness and zap your super powers.  Or maybe you’re doing all sorts of activities but it’s not moving the needle overall.  Or maybe you feel like you’re destined to be something more, but you just can’t put your finger on it.

To Lead Others, learn how to lead yourself first.

Does this sound like you?

Insecurity vs. Confidence

You use filler words like just and might because you don’t want to offend anyone or take a stand – you’re secretly afraid what others think.  You stay in your comfort zone – fearing failure and worry.  You overwork tirelessly on every detail. You dismiss compliments by saying, “Oh it was nothing!”

Uncertainty vs. Trust

You feel like no one has your back.  You don’t ask for help, let alone accept it even if it’s offered with no strings attached.  You think everyone’s wearing a mask.  You’ve been a victim before and God help you, you’ll never be vulnerable again.

Life without Meaning vs. Life with Purpose

You feel like you lack passion.  You feel you’re going in circles.  You feel like the work or effort you do is pointless.

Disorganized vs. Organized

Your computer desktop is covered in icons.  You don’t know where anything is in the mess that surrounds you.  You recreate logins because you can’t remember your password.  You feel like you spend way to many hours on each task.  You can’t seem to stay focused.

Fragile vs. Resilient

You don’t like change.  You’re probably exhausted.  You can be pumped one day and stressed out the next.  You say yes more often than you say no.  You wonder if work-life balance really is obtainable.  You wish you could clone yourself.  You wish you could have more waking hours in the day.  You wish you could get more sleep.

I know how you feel

I understand how you feel.  I’ve been exactly that person before.

I used to share great ideas but couldn’t influence others, or worse they’d use them and take the credit.  Now I effortlessly influence with confidence.

I used to be extremely fearful to speak in public and would take days to come up with a presentation and story.  Now the I can put together an engaging hour long presentation in just a few hours.

I used to think that everyone was out to get me – that I couldn’t trust anyone in the corporate world.  Now I lean into my vulnerability and use it as my superhero power.

I used to go in circles hoping that each new project would bring me purpose.  Now I know my purpose and projects I say yes to are chosen with much more clarity.

And lastly, most of my friends would say I’m the most organized person they know.  If it’s even possible, I’ve gotten more focused.  I use time – time doesn’t use me.  Even better, I’ve learned how to be resilient when plans change.